For you clever few who picked up on the clues,
You are true All Hallows’ Ball fans through and through
For the rest of you, thanks for giving it your all!
Here are the keys to decode them, now that you know the theme for the ball.
The homepage itself was a little bit gritty.
Beneath the symbol stood a decimated city.
The video included several hints for deduction:
The fire the most obvious, suggesting destruction.
The tagline, of course clearly indicates,
The theme would take place in a future time and place.
The symbol was once a biohazard sign,
That was exposed to devastation, distorting the design.
A meticulous observer with eyes that are keen,
Would note even the font was from a derelict machine.
And finally, the blog post (so clear, you must have said “Voila!”)
The first letter of each lined spelled out DYSTOPIA!
Congrats if you guessed it, but even if you did not,
It was fun teasing you, and I’m glad you gave it a shot.
But enough of this nonsense. The party is finally upon us.
Get ready for DYSTOPIA! This year is sure to astonish!
I just saw the invitation and you are not going to believe
The theme for this year’s All Hallows’ Eve!
The impressive idea is delightfully disturbing,
With high hopes your presence will be equally perturbing.
Look carefully, as there will be something extra included:
A reference to the madness previously alluded.
A wee little gift to illustrate your affiliation,
With the magnificent opulence of this prodigious occasion.
To ensure delivery, take a moment to inspect
Your emails to confirm your contact info is correct.
If not, click here so you can amend,
Cause this is definitely a party you’ll want to attend.
Despite my attempts at deception and misconstruction,
You deserve commendation for your powers of deduction.
Some of you were close, but most missed my hint,
To the theme for this year’s exciting event.
Of course I shouldn’t say much more, however I
Promised to provide you with clues, and I never lie.
If you look closely, I’ve revealed something more,
About the astonishing extravaganza we have in store.
Your hosts are so excited that you’re coming out to play,
So we wanted to make sure you had a place to stay.
We’re pleased to announce that we have deals for you,
At the Embassy Suites and the Wingate, too.
Visit the Party Details page for more information,
But these deals won’t last long, so hurry to make your reservation.
The venue has been selected and the date has been set,
For the most extreme All Hallows’ Ball you’ve seen yet.
On the 26th of October, the event will commence.
(And this lil’ specter can barely stand the suspense.)
I’ve glimpsed at the top-secret theme for the event
And just for you, dear friend, I’ll provide a small hint:
Visit the 2013 Party page and there you will see
A quick clip of a tip to help solve the mystery.
And if you’re interested in the dish and the dirt I’ll disclose,
Get sneak peeks of my secrets here in my blog: EXPOSED!
The first place to forage and feast upon all
The newest in news of your All Hallows’ Ball
My cyberspace place where surprises are sprung,
With news so enticing I just can’t bite my tongue.
I hope you’ll keep visiting. You’ll like what you see.
And stay tuned for more news coming soon straight from me!